Friday, August 20, 2010

Teleconference underway!

The FOSciLs meet through DimDim teleconference today, and were disappointed to realize that the free version does not permit video projection for each participant and only 4 simultaneous audio channels if using the microphone feature.  We switched to the teleconference option, and attempted to use the whiteboard function to take notes.  Inputting text was very awkward, however - the system continually jumped to the next line after just a few characters had been typed.  We abandoned the visual aspect of the conference after trying to view a Web page that required adobe flash, which caused some participants' windows to lock up on an error message.

In short:  the free version of DimDim is not a useful tool for looking at, talking to, and sharing a common workspace among a group of individuals at multiple locations!

Alison will ask Catalina for assistance using Megameeting during our next videoconference, scheduled for Monday, September 27, at 12:30pm.

Despite the technical difficulties, we spent a good hour and more sharing information about the OhioLINK CIRM math group meeting - one of the most interesting tidbits shared from that meeting was the announcement that Elsevier will make Scopus available to all of OhioLINK for the next three years, as it turns on access to the sciencedirect journal archives.  We would like more details.

Digital projects already selected for funding at each campus were reviewed, as well as sharing information on projects still in the planning stage.  We also discussed the upcoming ALAO Annual Conference, where several of us will be making presentations or giving a poster session, and briefly shared our impressions of the discovery layer products demonstrated at Wooster earlier this month.  Deb will share her notes from the teleconference with the other participants (Aimee Jenkins, Karen Gordon, Jessica Clemons, Moriana Garcia, Alison Ricker)