Saturday, May 1, 2010

FOSciLs Meet at Kenyon

We had a productive meeting/workshop friday afternoon, April 30 at Kenyon. We shared our status in developing individual digital projects with faculty and discussed projects for collaboration. Several of us have projects in the initial stage of development. We see areas for collaboration with our herbaria, greenhouses, and ecological preserves and will each be talking with people on our own campuses within these areas to initially survey what we may have to work with.

Librarians demonstrated their use of Moodle, Woodle, LibGuides, Druple, and Blackboard as we discussed our various strategies for subject-specific library instruction. Using RSS feeds from Consort for the development of targeted new item lists was also demonstrated.

Pros and cons of RefWorks, EndNote, EndNote Web, Zotera and Mendeley were discussed as we shared our experiences in their usage.

Web of Knowledge. Web of Science, and Biosis Previews tips and tricks and recent changes were shared and we discussed how we handle SciFinder and its instruction on our campuses.

We came away energized and inspired by the good ideas and practices of our colleagues!

Thanks to Aimee and Karen for hosting us and to the Kenyon College Library for covering our delightful lunch at the Kenyon Inn.